
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

An Ode to Johnny Appleseed

Yesterday was Johnny Appleseed Day and sadly I have no apple-y books on hand (I can't find my copy of Ten Apples Up On Top!) so instead I bring you a nifty list o' fun and a visual guide to apple printing!

Scrumdilly-do it!

You will need:
*apples (bruised is better)
*cookie cutters
*glitter & other optional zing
*apron or old clothes for mess
*splat mat or plastic tablecloth

Gather your supplies. You can do this with any fruit or vegetable of course!

Slice apples for your kidlets but let them use the cookie cutters if they can:

Have your kidlets paint their apple pices or they can dip them in the paint. In an attempt to keep things on the neat side, if you have a neatnick type of kid, put a small amount of paint in cupckae liner and place those in a plastic container or on a paper plate:

now they can stamp their way across the paper! They can also use the fruit as if it were a brush. You never know what thye will do. Just make sure they don't EAT the fruit!

You can add glitter or salt to the paint while it is wet and when it ries it will hold the zing1 Yo ucan also use crayons and/or markers to draw over the painting. Hang it up somewhere special, turn it into gift wrap or cover an old tissue box for fun and purdy storage!

Have fun! Here's a nifty and kid friendly applesauce recipe! Adjust it for a smaller batch and give yer kidlets 4 an older plastic knives so they can cut their own apples!

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