
Friday, May 4, 2007

How's about some fiesta fun?

Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow and me being in Los Angeles there will be oodles of fiestas to attend. We however are bucking tradition and are going to enjoy our Cinco de Mayo at the Harley Davidson in Glendale but I am sure if you are local you should check out Olvera Street. For scrumdilly-do I'm gonna show ya how to make individual piƱatas for your kidlets. These are great party favors since each wee one gets to keep what's inside and also, this way, each wee one gets the same amount of stuff. No head injuries involved!

What you need:
*brown paper lunch bags (though any color will do)
*oodles of tissue paper
*glue or glue stick
*other collage bits if ya like
*pipe cleaners

scrumdilly-do it:

Have your wee ones decorate one side of a lunch sack using all the tissue they could want. Orientate the bag so that the opening is at the top and make sure to kidlets leave about three inches of empty space so that you can tie the bag off. You may want to draw a line for them to stay below.

They can also glue on other collage items and/or draw with markers, etc. Once they are done, write their name on the bottom if you have a large group because these puppies will need to dry. This is a great activity to do at the beginning of a party. Once they're dry, add the goodies for take home and pass them out as the kids leave. Items to put inside could include fruit snacks, candy neckalces, crayons, stickers, finger puppets, superballs, small rubber toys and whatever you would like to add.

Once the items are inside the bag, gather up the open end and blow into it so that it puffs up. Secure with a pipe cleaner and you're done!

You can tie them outside to hang in the breeze or have your wee ones decorate all sides and make pretty paper wind socks out of them. Aren't they nifty?


  1. cute idea. would be great at a kids party!

  2. Hey, would you be willing to share these instructions and images through Creative Commons licensing on They would make an awesome article, and could send tremendous traffic to your blog! Let me know, thanks!
