
Friday, September 14, 2007

Repurposed art: lacing cards

Turn your kidlet's artwork into a tactile fun project. This is a project for YOU to make for your WEE ONES using THEIR art! Do you remember lacing cards also know as sewing cards? These make for great old fashioned fun and can last a long time. The cool thing about making your own lacing cards is that it will make your kidlet proud so have something so nifty that came from their little creative brain and the cards will help develop hand-eye coordination, small motor skills and cause & effect. These would also make for great handmade gifts! Have fun!

What you need:
*artwork by your wee ones
*hole punch
*laminator or a visit to an office supply store
*tape or plastic sewing needle
scrumdilly-do it!

Laminate your kidlet's artwork or take it to an office supply store and have them do it. An eleven by seventeen laminate sheet typically costs about $2. You may have to trim the artwork to fit the sheet.
Using a hole punch, punch holes all along the four sides of the artwork. I spaced mine about and inch and a half apart. Thread a two foot length of yarn through a plastic sewing needle (these are big and not too pointy, perfect for kidlets 3 and up)or wrap a small length of tape around one end of your yarn making it a bit more stable for threading. Tie the other end of the yarn through one of the holes and let your wee ones have a go at it.They can go in and out and over. They can criss-cross to their hearts content and you can always give them more yarn. If they want to do it again, just unlace the whole shebang and start over. Endless hours (or minutes) of colorful fun!

You can also find nifty lacing card sets at eeboo!

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