
Thursday, July 2, 2009

independence day bunting

Here's an easy way to turn your spin art into a festive holiday bunting!

You will need:
*6 or more spin art circles
*ribbon, at least 2 yards
*glue stick

scrumdilly-do it!

Gather your supplies in one place. Fold all of your spin art circles in half.Knot one end of your ribbon about eight inches from one end. This will help keep your first circle in place.Cover a small stretch of ribbon with your glue stick. slide your folded circle onto the ribbon so that the ribbon butts up against the crease.**Slather some more gluestick on one side of the inside of your. circle and fold back into place and smooth.Add your next circle in the same manner and so on. You can accordion fold your bunting as you go. I worked from the spool and cut eight inches or so out from the final circle knotting the ribbon directly next to the last one.Hang in festive place, sit down and enjoy some lemonade.**You can of course always hand the folded circles to your kidlets along with some tape and or a stapler and see what they come up with. kids are crafty like that. Happy Fourth!