
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

100 Days of School!

I know we're on the cusp if not day of for those who celebrate it but check out this awesome project that my good friend, the A-boy did. It was so cool that we had to do another one with Miss Za. As you can see, Miss Za did a most awesome job herself! 100 squares of color! The A-boy did his on a large piece of matte board while Miss Za did hers on the backside of holiday craft-paper gift wrap. Looks awesome either way and I think I need to do this one myself! Thank you to the A-boy and his parents for letting me "steal" this project.

No instructions save for the pictures. Happy 100 Days of School (and did ya know, it's my birthday today! I'm not yet quite 100 years old)! For a list of nifty school, teacher and 100 Days books, click here!


  1. That looks like a very fun activity. Happy Birthday!

  2. SO awesome!! We'll do this one for sure next year. The frog princess wants to do a rainbow every year. Last year we did dollar store rainbow bandaids on posterboard, this year we made a mobile with colored ribbon (ten strands) and colored beads(10 on each ribbon) on a hanger.

  3. My son handed in his project on Monday - it was picked for "best of elementary!" I'm so proud. :) We did pipe cleaners cut into short sticks, in a pattern, grouped by 5s.

    We'll do this idea next year for my younger son!

  4. Happy Be-lated Birthday! :) :) What a great idea! :) I may have to try a version like this.

    Hope you celebrate your b-day all week long!

  5. ooh, i like this, too! for those out of school, too :). where's my masking tape?!

  6. It turned out oh so pretty! Another thing to add to my to do list!

  7. Found you via Crafty Crow - lucky me! I'm adding this project to my list. I love the way it looks. Thanks!!

  8. My son and I just did this project today, we found you on the Crafty Crow. It turned out great. Thanks for the awesome idea.

  9. LOVE THIS!! I added it to my "to do" list for someday when my girl is a bit older. :)

  10. I love this....did you get this idea from the Creative Mom Podcast? I want to do this with my oldest next year....

  11. thank you! we can;t take credit for this project, it was all the idea of the a-boy and his mama...:)

  12. this looks great! However, when removing the tape my paper tears. How did you keep yours from tearing?
