
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

confession, lurve & smiley smiles {cuz i really do love you all}

have i told you all how much i love this darn blog? love it. absolutely love it. working with children in all things creative makes my heart sing louder and higher than a duet with ethel merman and annette funicello. the sad part is that i spent so much time finishing up my degree, i fell out of the working public and stopped working with kids. boy did i miss it. BIG TIME.

i have finally finished (and with a specialization in PLAY [for reals!])! whoo-hoo! but before i go off and reenter the real working world again, mr. a-go-go and i are taking a great and grand road trip across the good old united states of america. we'll be traveling for at least two months and along the way we hope we'll figure out where it is in this big country we are supposed to be. where, what and when, it's all about the adventure and discovering. but don't worry, before we head out you'll still have two months or so of crafty ideas, book recommendations and recipes. i can't stop. i simply can't. there are too many ideas in my head. in fact, just recently one of my friends reprimanded me for "giving away" all my ideas and the thing is, she may be right but this is just who i am. and here is where i get to my confession. while i love this blog and adore my crazy posting and ideas, i often wonder if there is any point to it all. does anyone really enjoy it, learn from it, create from it? am i helping you see how awesome your tots are? am i enabling you to bond over gluesticks and homemade clay? sometimes i wonder and i worry and then i feel like the uncool kid in class, the one who wears mismatched socks and talks to her imaginery ostrich (though in my opinion, that would be THE coolest kid) and i think maybe i should just stop and of course, when that happens, i inevitably end up receiving an awesome email or letter from one of my readers who sends me happy thoughts and stuff like this...
this is mielye and she has an unwavering lurve for a wee boy named jacky. she lurves him so much that she decided to make him three whopping valentine'd day presents and one of them came from this little blog. this is the reason why i do this and this is what makes my heart sing. read more about mielye's lurve story at The City Peach. and now here is where i beg, plead and grovel...if you ever dilly-do anything, i would love to post about here...seriously, it warms my anxious-ostrich-loving-mismatched-sock-wearing-heart.


  1. I love your attitude about art and play, and I smile each time I read one of your posts. I don't use each and every one with Annalie but they all inspire me in some way or another. Please don't stop! :-)

    p.s. If you make it all the way to D.C. after the end of February, feel free to drop me a line! That's where we're moving soon.

  2. I dip in and out of your blog and have tried several of your ideas with my own kids. They didn't all turn out as planned but I don't think that matters at all its the being creative bit that counts.

    I work as a fairy and when I'm not wearing my wings I'm a community art officer working with disadvantaged kids, so I can totally relate to the way you think, and I love it! I wish more people were into being creative just for the fun of it.

    Kerry x

  3. Oh dear - I actually only just found out about your blog(s) about a week ago! But yes! Please! Keep it up!
    Yours is one of those unique places where one always walks away inspired.
    I work with kids and have an 8 yr old son. I know this blog will be a well of inspiration/information and I will happily let you know if we use one of your ideas.
    Hope you have a wonderful trip and find what you're looking for,
    PS: I actually found you through Hidden in France's blog who linked to your other Blog, ScrumdillyDilly, but I see that that one is now closed.
    PPS: Use your wonderful ideas to write a book!

  4. When I have "me time", I come to your blog and am always inspired. I wish I could say that I venture over here on a regular basis, but it winds up being every couple of months when I check in. I have seven and nine year old boys and whenever I do something crafty or seasonal with them, I channel my inner scrumdilly-do-itness. I also do lots of toddler story hours at our local library and I'm PTO president at our local elementary school, so your ideas are cast out with all my kiddie-oriented endeavors.

    Enjoy your trip, but DO NOT stop blogging over here! Please!!!

  5. Wow!! Did you actually look inside my journal and use part of it for this post?! Seriously! I've been having the SAME conversations with my friends and hubby...who actually reads what I post? Am I "giving away" all of my creative ideas? Do I care? Is it fun -- yes! Do I miss my creative artist life as an elem art teacher sharing my projects and getting great work out of kids? Yes but I love staying home with my girls more and having the opportunity/blessing/chance to make art and play with my own kids and share a little bit of it on my own tiny speck of the world wide web is pretty fun.

    Keep it up...we do read you, we do love your ideas, we are inspired by you and you do make a difference for some of us. and...if you ever need a break no pressure, we'll be here when you get back!

    If you head to the east coast and hit Northern VA email me and we can hang out and make something crafty in my art studio with some yummy coffee/tea/chocolate/salt snacks. : )

    pink and green mama

  6. just found your blog and while my son is still a bit young (2) for some of the projects, i LOVE them, and your approach to crafts etc. it helps me remember what all of this is supposed to be about, and not to mind that all my kiddo wants to do right now is put the markers in and out of the box... (that and scribble all over his hands!) anyway, just wanted to say thank you!

  7. i wish there were an easier way to comment on your comments. i want to say thank you to you all for your dilly-liscious words and kindness. it means a lot and thrills me to pieces knowing that i am connecting with you all to enjoy your tots in the best way you can. they are all so amazingly creative and i fear too many don't give them the chance what with our crazy busy world we live in.
