
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

making rainbows

Happy St. Patrick's day!

If you did find yourself making them fruity fun-fetti cakes, you may find yourself with left over froot loopys. Grab yourself a muffin tin and set your kiddo to sorting. One muffin tin has six cubbies which is perfect for sorting out all those rainbow colors.Once your tot is done sorting, grab some yarn, a small piece of tape and apair of scissors and string up some sweet rainbow necklaces. The tape is to keep the tip of the yarn stiff for easy threading.

If you have an old CandyLand game, you can utilize those game cards and have your kidlet string up a pattern based on the cards they pull. One yellow square? One yellow loop goes onto their string, etc.There are all sorts of ways to play with these loops, pull out all the green ones and make a St. Patrick's day picture or necklace. Mash 'em all up and collage with the pieces. Bake them into blondies or make more cupcakes. Whatever you decide, have fun and show me the pics!


  1. How much fun is much better than a candy necklace xOxO

  2. How sweet these necklaces are. My kids used to love stringing these & as a result they still like this fruity cereal! So glad you had a great St. Patrick's Day!

  3. Wow- cool photo. I happened upon your blog and have really enjoyed it!

  4. Wow! Cooler than making rainbows is EATING them! I think we need a trip to the market...


    If you scroll down this post you will see some cute things she did with fingerprints! I just thought of you immediately when I saw this.

  6. you can string them on liquorice string for a completely edible necklace.
