
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Picture Book Month: the art of shapes

by Cindy Estes and Margaret Steele
Published by Fotofolio Inc, 1997

Not really a picture book in the classic sense but I do really like the art of shapes. The board book format makes for a unique display and kiddos of all ages will be intrigued by the colors discovered within. Adults will enjoy the array of artists and if they are anything like me, they will hit the net to research the artists they have never heard of. Other titles in this series include the art of the body and the art of colors.

Shape projects:
*take a walk and go on a shape hunt 
*draw shapes on sandpaper with crayon and have kiddos trace with their fingers
*roll a dice (die?) and ask your kiddo to draw a shape with corresponding sides
*make cookie shapes
*pick up a pack of foam shapes, toss in an empty tissue box and see how many tries is takes to draw a match
*have kiddos paint on paper cut into shapes


  1. Thank you for all the books that you recommend. I love to go through them and request holds at my library for the kids at my day care.

  2. Thank you! I am so glad, I lvoe books for kiddos and love libraries, yay for libraries!
