
Saturday, March 31, 2012

the weather report

 We've been studying weather at the preschool. To add a little fun, I whipped up some weather influenced pillows to add to this week's outdoor reading corner. I thought the rainbow would be the most popular but it turns out the lightening bolt was a zinger!
I used the fabric I had on hand and drew up some paper templates on large sheets of white paper I taped together. I stitched up smaller sheets of fabric to create larger sheets to fit the templates. Pieces were layered right-sides in and then stitched all the way around save for a three inch channel that allowed me to turn the whole thing right-side out and stuff. I then hand-stitched the opening shut after lightly stuffing with poly-fiberfill. The rainbow was a whole other process, I 'll post that soon. Happy weather!


  1. Oh I love these! I can't wait to read about the rainbow because I've been wanting to make one for my DS but have been put off thinking that it must be a tricky thing to work out. Will be watching this space!
