
Monday, May 19, 2014

Going on a Bear Hunt: 8 fun activities

There should have been 9 up there but I totally missed our scissors work project. But here ya go, 8 fun activities to go along with We're Going on a Bear Hunt.

1. Hands on story retelling using found photos, a cookie sheet, and a plastic toy bear. The children loved this and it is a great tool for sequencing and memorization.

2. Landscapes using paint and other elements.

3. Painting with natural elements.

4. We're Going on a Bear Hunt Discovery Bottles. Great for retelling the story, sequencing, and investigation.

5. Natural Elements for the play dough fun and for painting on.

6. Classroom Bear Hunt. Set up areas for the grass, river, mud, etc. We taped streamers to the sides of our train table and used colored carpet squares along with tactile sensory bins. Our cave was our playhouse covered in blankets with a large stuffed bear inside. During our walks to and from the playground we would recite the sounds for each element and use our bodies to act out the parts. Fun!

7. Nature walk bracelets. We did not go on a bear hunt as some of the children voiced concern over finding a real bear (we do have bears in our community) so we went on a nature walk looking for tall grass, forest sticks, mud, and flowers instead.Then we ran like silly all around the play field looking for dandelions and chasing grasshoppers.

8. Painting and washing rocks because water play is a favorite thing with many three year olds.

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