
Thursday, August 7, 2014

diy fine motor rainbows

 I know. Making a froot loop necklace in preschool is hardly revolutionary or original but it does have its moments. Tasty, sugary moments of course. I set this up as a side project to our rainbow study so that the children could work those fine motor skills and practice their color recognition.
 While the children were playing in the classroom, I hopped on over to our kitchen/craft area and set up. Each kiddo got a white tray (I love these trays), one of our small colored bowls full of froot loops, and a length of yarn that matched the bowl (I tied a loop of cereal to the end of each length of yarn to act as an anchor to keep the other loops from slipping off). The children got to choose where they sat and needed no introduction other than affirmation that it was okay to eat the cereal.
We talked about the colors in our bowls, what colors we would use in a rainbow and what colors we were using in our rainbows. All of the children decided to take their necklaces home rather than eat them up. It was a lot of fun to see their delight and wonder and to hear their discussion as they laced away.

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