How Fletcher was Hatched
Written & Illustrated by Wende & Harry Devlin
Published by Parent's Magazine Press 1969
This was a book of the month book. My mother somehow managed to set me up with a new book each month that came in the mail just for me! Whoo-hoo! It was very exciting and oh how I loved the mailman when he had a package for me. How Fletcher was Hatched stuck with me for years and years and years. Only a shadow of the story stuck with me but the pictures...THE PICTURES resided in my brain for years and years and years! I couldn't remember the title but I knew it was about a dog that hatched from a giant pink polka dotted egg. One day about 10 years ago I was working in the bookstore when one of my favorite kidelts came in yammering in her thwee yeaw owd voice about the book wid da doggy named Fwetcha and it hit me! I was so excited! Turns out her preschool had a copy and since her family had a hound dog she was really intent on keeping the book but she couldn't because it belonged to the school. Finally, I had the title! I kept my eye out for it and one day I told my favorite librarian customer about it and she came in a week later with the book! For me! I had Fletcher! Then, the day after (I swear!) my mother called to tell me she found my copy with the shoe polish all over the front and my backwards name scribbled on the inside! I now had two copies and could give one to little Savannah!
The story is about a hound dog named Fletcher who fears his mistress doesn't love him anymore because she keeps playing with the new baby chicks. He runs away and runs into two beavers who build an egg around him so that he could win back Alexandra's adoration. Suddenly there is a giant pink egg in the middle of town! Oh what fun! This story is so delightful and the good news is I have a copy for giveaway! If you are interested, leave me a comment and I will put yer names in an egg and see who becomes the owner! It could be you!
Ceck out this nifty sidewalk chalk activity from skip to my lou Have a great holiday weekend folks!
Hello perhaps someone can help me.
ReplyDeleteI have been searching for a book for many years.I cannot remember the name or the too much about it.I just remember I loved it about 30 or so years ago.What flashes thru my memory is a Giant pink and brown speckeled egg.I thought it was a dino egg. I think there may be a boy involved and something about being rejected for being differant.But I cannot remember. This Fletcher book was the closest I could come to,but I do not believe this is it.I think the theme was mostly brown and pink thru out.Please can anybody help me?
Hey muze...could it have been the Enormous Egg by Butterworth? It came out in the fifties originally and is about a boy who hatches a dinosaur.