Oh, go blow an egg! Ya know, the crafty way.
I was gonna write up a nifty project that I loved doing as a kidlet but I ran out of time so I have the alternative for when you "mess" up the blowing part. First off, I'll show ya how to blow an egg and then I'll show you how to make your own
cascarones. Your wee ones will have a blast making these and then smashing them over their cousins' heads.
What you need:
*uncooked eggs
*straight pin
*a ball syringe, plastic syringe or empty glue bottle
*tissue paper
*hole punch
*white glue
*fun paper or magazine pages

First up, wash and dry your eggs before you give them to your kidlets. If your kidlets are very young or easily frustrated, you may want to do the blowing part and let them assemble the cascarones.
Use the pin to poke a hole into the top of the egg. Poke a few more to gently create a small opening that will allow the tip of your syringe or glue bottle into. Repeat and poke a hole in the bottom of the egg.

Insert your instrument into the top hole. Holding the egg over the bowl, depress or squeeze so that the egg whites end up into the bowl. If you don't leave the holes big enough, you may create a backfire of sorts which will cause the top part of the egg to pop, cracking it open. If you are solely making cascarones, don't worry, this is cool. If you were planning on making an heirloom egg, set the broken eggshell aside for some egg-bits art or some cascarones making. It's all good. You make need to poke the pin back into the egg to get the yolk to break so that it too will pass through the hole and end up in your bowl. If you are brave and/or your wee ones are eager they can of course attempt to blow the egg out the old fashioned way. That was how I did it as a kidlet.

Plan ahead when you do this so that you have a good use for those eggs. You may choose to have them all end up in the same bowl and make an omelet or quiche. Or, you can break up the numbers and make a couple of different things. I used two of my eggs for a batch of brownies and the other two for some fun popovers which I will show you how to make in Part Three. Whatever you do, don't let them go to waste! Put your egg stuff into the fridge until you are ready to cook with it and rinse out your hollow eggs thoroughly with soap and water. Set onto a cloth to dry.
Hand your wee one a hole punch and some fun and colorful paper and let them go to town. you can even recycle old magazine pages for this part. Once they are done, Pour a bunch of the homemade confetti into each partially cracked egg.

Next, add a seam of glue around the open edge of the egg.

And finally, place a small square of tissue over the hole and the glue, set aside to dry. You can doctor them up a bit with paint and or glitter also if ya like.

Bring the eggs out when everyone is outside and all frenzied and let your wee ones smash the eggs over each other's heads...it is safe, fun and super messy! Just keep them away from the kidlets who won't appreciate being smashed in the head.